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 رحلة الي مركز الارض

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
جمال فهمي

عدد المساهمات : 25
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/02/2010

رحلة الي مركز الارض Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رحلة الي مركز الارض   رحلة الي مركز الارض I_icon_minitimeالسبت أغسطس 21, 2010 1:04 am

Revision on the storyJourney to the center of the earth
رحلة إلي مركز الأرض

1- Who tells us the story?من الذي يروي القصة

2- Who is Lidenbrock ?من هو ليدنبروك
He is a famous scientist and geologist.

3- Who was Axel ?من هو اكسيل
He was the professor's nephew.

4- Who was Martha ? من هي مارثا
She was a good cook .

5- Why did Axel live with his uncle ?
لماذا عاش اكسيل مع عمه ؟
Because his parents died.

6- How old was the book ?كم عمر الكتاب
More than six hundred years old.

7- What fell out of tha book ?ماذا سقط من الكتاب
A piece of parchment .

8- Why couldn't the professor read the parchment ?لماذا لم يستطيع إن يقرا المخطوطة ؟
Because the letters were mixed up.
Because the parchment was written in a secret code.

9- Why did the professor use a magnifying glass ? لماذا استخدم عدسة مكبرة
To make the letters bigger.

10-Who wrote the book?من كتب الكتاب ؟
Snorri Sturlasson.

11- Who wrote the parchment ?
من كتب المخطوطة ؟
Arne Saknussemm.
12- Where did Lidenbrock work?
أين يعمل ليدنبروك ؟
At the university of Hamburg.
13- Who could break the secret code ?
من الذي فك الشفرة ؟

14- How did he break it ? كيف فك الشفرة ؟
By chance. When he saw some latin words.

15- Why didn't Axel want to tell his uncle?
لماذا لم يخبر اكسيل عمه ؟
Because the journey was dangerous.
Because he would make the journey and take Axel with him.

16- Why did Axel decide to burn the parchment ?لماذا قرر اكسيل أن يحرق الشفرة ؟
To stop his uncle from reading it.

17- Why didn't Axel burn the parchment ?
لماذا لم يحرق المخطوطة ؟
Because his uncle came suddenly.

18- Why did Axel tell his uncle ?
لماذا اخبر عمه ؟
Because he felt sorry for him.

19- Why was Axel a clever boy ?
لماذا كان اكسيل ماهرا ؟
Because he broke the secret code.

20- What was Sneffels ?ما هو سنيفلز ؟
It was a huge mountain and an extict volcano.

21- What was Scartaris ?ما هو سكارتاريز؟
It was a huge mountain.

22- Which crater leads to the centre of the earth? أي الفتحات تؤدي إلي مركز الأرض ؟
Which the shadow of Scartaris touched at the end of June.

23- What did they prepare for the journey ? ماذا اعدوا للرحلة ؟
Guns, tools, and scientific instruments.

24- How did they go to Iceland ?
كيف ذهبوا إلي أيسلندا ؟
By steamer.

25- How was Dr. Fridrickson helpful ?
كيف كان فريدريكسون متعاونا ؟
He arranged for a guide caked Hans.
26- Who was Hans ? من هو هانز ؟
he was a guide from Iceland.

27- How was the countryside ?كيف كان الريف
it was bleak, no crops and no animals.

28- How were the Icelanders helpful ?
كيف كان الأيسلنديون متعاونون ؟
they gave them the best food and drink.

29- What was Axel's dream ?ماذا كان حلم اكسيل
he was inside a volcano when it exploded.

30-Why was it harder to breathe ?
لماذا كان من الصعب ان يتنفس ؟
because of the thin air.

31- What was the crater shaped like?
كيف كان شكل الفتحة ؟
It shaped like an ice cream cone.

32- Why was there no shadow ?
لماذا لم يكن هناك ظل ؟
because there was no sun .

33- How long did the clouds cover the sun ?كم المدة التي غطت السحب فيها الشمس ؟
for three days.

34- Which crater did the shadow fall on ?
أي الفتحات التي وقع عليها الظل ؟
the one in the middle.
35- How did the descend the chimney ?
كيف هبطوا داخل الفتحة ؟
by ropes.

36- What was the professor doing while they were descending the chimney ?
ماذا كان يفعل البروفسير أثناء النزول ؟
he was examining the rocks.

37- How were the lava walls in the sun ?
كيف كان شكل الحمم في الشمس ؟
they sparkled like jewels.

38- Why did the professor bring the torch ? لماذا احضر البروفسير الكشاف ؟
because it's light would guide the way.

39- Why was Axel worried ?
لماذا كان اكسيل قلقا ؟
because they used half of the water .

40- What were preserved in the rocks?
ماذا كان محفوظا في الصخور ؟
Plants and animals.

41- What did Axel find in the rocks ?
ماذا وجد اكسيل في الصخور ؟
a shell of an insect.

42- What did it prove to the professor ?
ماذا اثبت ذلك للبروفسير ؟
it proved that they took the wrong path.

43- Why did Axel ask his uncle to give up the journey ?
لماذا طلب اكسيل من عمه ان يتخلى عن الرحلة ؟
because they finished all the water.

44- What noise did they hear in the western path ?ما الضوضاء التي سمعوها ؟
a noise of running water.

45- How did Hans get the water ?
he used his pickaxe to make a hole in the wall.

46- Why did Hans cry out in pain ?
لماذا صرخ اكسيل متألما ؟
because the water was very hot.

47- Why did the professor use the scientific instruments ?
لماذا استخدم البروفسير الأجهزة العلمية ؟
to calculate the position.

48- Why did Axel feel pain in his ears?
Because of the air pressure.
لماذا شعر اكسيل بألم في أذنيه ؟
49- What happed to axel at the end of chapter 5?
ماذا حدث لاكسيل في نهاية الفصل الخامس ؟
He was lost.
He broke his torch and cut himself.
He fell to the ground and fainted.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
رحلة الي مركز الارض
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» رحلة الي مركز الارض

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